Visites à Narita
Billet de bus limousine de l'aéroport de Narita au centre-ville de Tokyo

Billet de bus limousine de l'aéroport de Narita au centre-ville de Tokyo

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Tripadvisor décerne un prix Travellers' Choice aux hébergements, attractions et restaurants qui reçoivent invariablement d'excellents avis des voyageurs et qui se classent parmi les 10 % des meilleurs établissements sur Tripadvisor.
Nous assurons actuellement 1 200 services par jour entre l'aéroport de Narita, celui de Haneda, le centre de Tokyo et Yokohama, accueillant 4 millions de touristes par an, dont environ 40% sont des clients étrangers. En particulier, pour les clients d'outre-mer, notre service de bus Airport Limousine est le moyen le plus pratique et le plus pratique pour se rendre de l'aéroport de Narita au centre de Tokyo. Nos autocars entièrement climatisés et dotés d'une énorme capacité en bagages permettent de se rendre dans les bus les plus calmes et les plus pittoresques de Tokyo, offrant un accès pratique aux principaux sites de Tokyo et de Yokohama. Les bus sur les itinéraires circulent à des intervalles fréquents et les tarifs sont compétitifs - inférieurs au prix du billet de train Narita Express, considérablement moins chers qu'un taxi.

Âge 6-99, 15 pers. maximum par groupe
Durée : De 1 à 2 heures
Horaire de début : vérifier la disponibilité
Billet mobile

  • Billet de bus limousine
Ce qui n'est pas inclus
  • Les dépenses ne sont pas mentionnées ci-dessus.

Début :Plusieurs options de points de rendez-vous.
  • Option 1
    Narita Airport Terminal 1, Kinone, Narita, Chiba 286-0105, Japan
    ① Terminal de l'aéroport international de Narita 1 Hall d'arrivée 1F, sortie 1 sud Compteur de tickets de bus limousine > >> Heures d'ouverture 06: 40 23h: 10
  • Option 2
    Narita Airport Terminal 1, Kinone, Narita, Chiba 286-0105, Japan
    ② Terminal de l'aéroport international de Narita 1 Hall d'arrivée 1F, sortie 2 sud Compteur de tickets de bus limousine > >> Heures d'ouverture 06: 40 23h: 10
  • Option 3
    Narita Airport Terminal 1, Kinone, Narita, Chiba 286-0105, Japan
    Lobby Entrée du hall d'entrée du terminal 1 de l'aéroport international de Narita, sortie 1F nord Compteur de tickets de bus limousine > >> Heures d'ouverture 06: 40 23h: 10
  • Option 4
    Narita Airport Terminal 2, Furugome, Narita, Chiba 286-0104, Japan
    Lobby Arrivée du hall 2 du terminal 2 de l'aéroport international de Narita, sortie 1F Sud Compteur de tickets de bus limousine > >> 06:30 - 23:00: 00
  • Option 5
    Narita Airport Terminal 2, Furugome, Narita, Chiba 286-0104, Japan
    Lobby Arrivée du hall 2 du terminal 2 de l'aéroport international de Narita, sortie 1F nord Compteur de tickets de bus limousine > >> Horaires d'ouverture 06h30 - 23h00 - 00h
  • Option 6
    成田空港第3旅客ターミナル(バス)(成田空港線・下り), Tokko, Narita, Chiba 286-0106, Japan
    ⑥Narita International Airport Terminal 3, bâtiment principal 1F Compteur de tickets de bus limousine > >> Heures d'ouverture 06: 30 22 : 50
Fin :Cette activité se termine au point de rendez-vous.

    • Non accessible aux personnes en fauteuil roulant
    • Transport en commun à proximité
    Si vous avez des questions au sujet de l'accessibilité, nous nous ferons une joie de vous aider. Il vous suffit d'appeler le 61600P30 et de nous indiquer le code produit.

    • Il est interdit de fumer sur aucune partie des véhicules.
    • En raison du fait que les bus circulent sur les autoroutes (y compris les autoroutes), des embouteillages fréquents le matin et le soir des journées de travail ou pendant la saison de voyage peuvent entraîner des retards. Veillez donc à laisser suffisamment de temps lorsque vous quittez l'aéroport.
    • Lorsque le siège est plein, il ne peut plus accueillir plus de passagers voyageant avec un autobus à la gare. Le client sera organisé en fonction de l'ordre d'arrivée ou de l'ordre de réception. Une fois la place occupée, il ne peut plus monter dans le bus. En raison des restrictions sur le nombre de passagers à bord et sur l'autoroute, les places debout ne sont pas fournies dans les bus.
    • Les articles suivants ne doivent pas nécessairement être rangés dans le coffre à bagages des autobus. Dans le cas où des dommages ou des pertes seraient causés par un dépôt, notre société ne sera pas tenue pour responsable de ces dommages: espèces, titres, métaux précieux, objets de collection et autres objets de valeur; appareils photo, produits en verre et autres objets fragiles.
    • Les objets suivants doivent être rangés dans le coffre à bagages des bus et ne peuvent pas être emportés dans le véhicule: 1) Les objets explosifs, les objets qui s'enflamment facilement, les produits chimiques corrosifs, les animaux, les restes et autres peuvent mettre en danger la sécurité des avions charges utiles. 2) Les animaux domestiques (oiseaux, chiots, chatons, etc.) ne peuvent pas être rangés dans des bagages à main. 3) Veuillez noter que nous ne pouvons pas accepter les bagages de plus de 30 kg. Chaque passager peut enregistrer dans ses bagages jusqu'à deux pièces. Chaque bagage ne peut excéder 50 cm x 60 cm x 120 cm. 4) Le personnel peut percevoir un certain montant si celui-ci dépasse les bagages de cabine prescrits.
    • La plupart des voyageurs peut participer
    • Votre bon Viator ne sera PAS accepté pour utilisation. Votre billet officiel vous sera envoyé dans un e-mail séparé à l'intérieur.
    • Ce produit ne peut être acheté que par des détenteurs de passeports non-japonais. Les détenteurs de passeports japonais qui achètent le produit ne pourront pas entrer dans le parc et ne recevront aucun remboursement.
    • Le billet aller-retour doit être utilisé dans le même aéroport. Il est valable 14 jours après l’échange.
    • Ce billet ne peut pas être utilisé dans un lieu situé à une distance supérieure à 3 100 JPY par voyage.
    • Ce circuit ou cette activité peut accueillir un maximum de 15 voyageurs

    • Toutes les ventes sont finales et entraînent des frais d'annulation de 100 %.

    Si vous avez des questions sur cette visite ou besoin d'aide pour réserver, nous nous ferons une joie de vous aider. Il vous suffit d'appeler le 61600P30 et de nous indiquer le code produit.

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    Expériences similaires

    4,0 sur 5 bulles7 avis
    Très bon

    Édimbourg, UK350 contributions
    5,0 sur 5 bulles
    août 2023 • En famille
    I did my research and arriving, late evening, at Narita Airport I would be too late for the train service and I didn't want the expense of a car service (Uber or Taxi) and this was the next option.

    It was excellent value (especially compared to a taxi!) and the bus was punctual, clean and had lots of room with regular services so you don't have to rush to try and get to the scheduled bus (unless it's the last one!).

    When you buy your ticket (at the service desk), you are allocated your seat so you know where you're going to be sat and it'll not be overcrowded. The staff take your suitcases and stow it away for you and, like an aircraft, you take your 'cabin' bag with you and can store it above your seat.

    Your seat has a drop-down table and a power socket so you can use your electronic devices and/or charge them. It also has a light and is well ventilated with a toilet at the back of the bus.

    It took me 50 mins from the airport to Shinjuku Station and although not the worst journey I've had, it was a long drive - especially after a long haul flight when all I wanted to do was get to my hotel for something to eat, a shower and a long sleep.

    All in all, an excellent service and I used it to get me back to the airport at the end of my holiday. Definitely recommend this.
    Écrit le 28 août 2023
    Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.

    Hong Kong, Chine1 022 contributions
    5,0 sur 5 bulles
    The airport limousine service to Shinjuku area was excellent. The service was punctual and reliable. The bus was very new and seats were very comfortable too. Bus temperature was just right. It is more convenient than Narita Express to me. Highly recommend!
    Écrit le 13 avril 2020
    Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.

    Cape Town, Afrique du Sud223 contributions
    5,0 sur 5 bulles
    We needed to find an alternative traveling option as the express train was cancelled when we landed. My wife lucky enough knew the options and we immediately went to the limousine bus to buy tickets. I must be honest, but I think this is a way better option than the train (obviously traffic dependent) as this was such a great experience.

    The process to order tickets are:

    - Choose the time you want to travel.
    - Go to your bus stop. The bus stop number is printed on your ticket.
    - The friendly staff pack your bags into the bus and give you a ticket for each bag.
    - Each stop is announced.
    - Once you arrive, the driver gives your bags and checks your tickets.

    There is free wifi on board and the busses are really well maintained.

    I’d take this bus from the airport again.
    Écrit le 28 décembre 2019
    Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.

    Elsinore A
    Dallas, TX249 contributions
    5,0 sur 5 bulles
    nov. 2019
    This is the best way to get from the airport to your hotel. no transfers needed. wonderful. thank you!
    Écrit le 19 décembre 2019
    Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.

    Sarah B
    Caroline du Nord140 contributions
    1,0 sur 5 bulles
    juill. 2019
    Everything ran smoothly while travelling from the airport into the city, so that part of the trip was uneventful. On the trip from the city back to the airport was when I discovered that all it took was an air conditioner to stop working for everything to fall apart.
    The station where I boarded the bus was within sight of a train station. If I had known there was going to be a problem I could have taken the train and arrived at the airport in plenty of time. The bus was a little warm, but it wasn't too bad and the windows were open so I didn't think anything of it.
    About halfway into the ride we stopped another bus stop and waited. At first the other passengers and I assumed it was to pick up more passengers, but after a while we started to wonder why we were sitting there so long. Then some people started to make comments about whether or not they would make it in time for their flights. Eventually the driver stood up and made the announcement. The air conditioner on the bus was broken, and since they were not allowed to drive on the highway with open windows the bus would not be going any further. What was really annoying was the way he kept smiling as if he were doing us a favor by not making us stay on the warm bus anymore. He then announced that the company had called taxis for all of the passengers, but not to worry about the cost because the company would cover the cost. Not only was no mention made of refunding our tickets, but we were apparently also supposed to be impressed at their generosity for not making us pay to fix what they messed up.
    I didn't have time to argue though, I had a plane to catch and it took the taxis so long to get there that I was very worried about making my flight. Rightfully so, because when I finally made it to the airport I had missed it by minutes.
    I ended up spending three hours at Narita trying to get things sorted out. A situation that's normally aggravating enough becomes infuriating when I kept thinking about how the driver acted like he was doing us a favor when he got us all into this mess. I finally got a flight to an different airport from my original destination, meaning my ride had to drive over two hours out of their way late at night to pick me up. I also ended up having to pay over a thousand dollars for the new ticket.
    The temperature in the bus was not bad at all. It was enough that people were fanning themselves, but I've certainly felt much worse. Even then, I understand that rules are rules. The point is that the driver was perfectly aware that the air conditioner on the bus was not working. If he knew the route to the airport then he also had to know that we would have to drive on the highway in order to get there. He also knew that while we were there at the station we still had a chance to take the train instead and make it to the airport on time. Knowing all of that, it was completely irresponsible to sell us tickets and have us board the bus as if everything were fine.
    I'm aware of the cultural difference here, and that it would be very uncomfortable having to deliver the bad news that we can't take the bus like we must have wanted. But if putting so many people through such a headache, costing us who knows how much money, and taking no responsibility for it whatsoever is worth it to save themselves from an awkward moment then that's taking the whole concept of saving face way, way too far.
    Écrit le 21 novembre 2019
    Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.

    Janet K
    Oahu, Hawaï5 contributions
    5,0 sur 5 bulles
    I would highly recommend airport limousine service to anyone traveling to Japan. When I first took my trip I met a guy who told me take the train because it is way cheaper then the bus. I decided to go his way and let me tell you from my experience it was very tiring because you still have to lug all of your luggage to your hotel you are starting at still. I then decided next time I will try the Airport Bus Limousine service. I really liked it better. The service and the worry free is better then a lot of walking if you take the train. This Bus service is offered at a lot of hotels. To make sure ,I went online to see if this. Us goes to my hotel first or even the drop off or pickup areas are. I then when I arrive t the airport I don’t have to worry. The staff are very friendly and very helpful when you aboard the bus. When you are ready to leave the airport you can just look for the Airport Limousine Bus ticket counter tell them which hotel you want to go to and then you buy your ticket. It usually is for only one way which is now 3200¥ per person. But it is worth taking thus. Us service . I just like the fact that they take care of your bags for you and you can just sit on the bus and relax until you reach your destination. Your bags are at least safe. If you choose to use this service to go back to the airport which I did then all you have to do is make another reservation again and there is no problem usually. The ride can be long but that’s ok by me. The best thing is to choose a hotel that has that service. Read about the hotel and amenities first. Otherwise you he stuck taking a taxi or train.
    Écrit le 25 août 2019
    Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.

    Singapore263 contributions
    2,0 sur 5 bulles
    juin 2019 • En famille
    The trip from Narita airport to Shin-Urayasu was comfortable and efficient.

    On our day of departure, we arrived at the bus bay 30 minutes before the airport bus was due to arrive. A staff counted the number of passengers and luggages. When the bus arrived (10 minutes late), the bus could only accommodate about 10 passengers as there were others on the bus. Those of us who didn’t make it up the bus were told the next bus would arrive 4 hours later! The alternatives were taxi (JPY20k) or train (90 minutes minimum).

    I wonder why there was no communication between the bus driver and the staff at the bus bay such that the latter would know the number of passengers who could be accommodated ahead of time. Those who won’t be able to board the bus won’t have to queue in vain (in the hot sun!) and wasted precious time. Alternatively, arrange for another bus so that as many people as possible can make it to the airport on time.

    I understand it’s first come, first served but it isn’t pleasant to stand in the queue for 30 minutes and then told to return 4 hours later.
    Écrit le 19 juin 2019
    Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
    * Risque d'afficher complet rapidement : selon nos données de réservations et les informations fournies par le prestataire au cours des 30 derniers jours, il est probable que cette expérience affiche complet rapidement sur Viator, une entreprise Tripadvisor.

    Billet de bus limousine de l'aéroport de Narita au centre-ville de Tokyo - avec des avis impartiaux

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