389 Triq Il-Kbira San Guzepp, Santa Venera, Île de Malte STV 1213 Malte
St George Central
3 avis
Vous rendre
Plutôt propice à la marche
Les endroits où séjourner sont notés selon une échelle de 0 à 100. Plus la note est élevée, plus il est facile de trouver des restaurants et des activités à distance de marche.
Lo bueno es que el señor, Mario, es simpático y no duda en ayudar en todo. Además, la ubicación está bastante bien, a 15/20 min en bus de Valletta. Justo enfrente sale un bus que va a Mdina, y llega bastantr rápido, así que estupendo.
Lo malo... no es un hotel. Es una pensión. Y menuda pensión... La limpieza es muy pobre, había hormigas en el suelo, manchas de bichos aplastados en la pared, en las toallas había algún pelo... El baño compartido es una auténtica asquerosidad: no hay espacio para dejar las gafas por ejemplo, o la ropa limpia... El palo de la ducha estaba roto, y la alfombra de la ducha estuvo mojada en el suelo durante toda la estancia. Id con chanclas, por lo que más queráis!
No hay recepción como tal, es un comedor de un señor, con todas sus cosas por el sofá y por el suelo. Además, hay un agujeraco en el techo. No incluye champú como tal: son viejos champús que otros huéspedes han dejado. Lo mismo con la comida o el secador.
Sinceramente no volveré ni lo recomendaría.
Lire la suite
Date du séjour : septembre 2019
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Mario, the owner, could not have been more helpful, he arranged our collection from the airport and delivery back at the end of our stay. Our room had air-con, fridge with a small freezer and a smart TV which he had to give us instructions to use via WhatsApp, he seemed to be available to reply to questions via this system all day. There were products left by previous guests because of airline restrictions, shampoos, conditioners to give a helping hand till shopping could be done, also cereal, jam, cheese, coffee, tea, sugar, bottled water and milk were available in the shared kitchen areas and spare towels, sheets, etc in the hall cupboards so wanted for nothing during our stay. A short walk to a Convenience store open 6am to 9pm ,no fresh fruit or veg but 2 mins down and there are more shops and a huge iper market in a mall at Hamrun, 10 mins on. There is an Italian cake and coffee place, another Italian restaurant that does authentic pasta, great fish and chips a bit further down or right next door a large BBQ place and hidden over the road is the best full English breakfast for just 5.00, so no need to cook if you don;t want to. The bus stop outside meant we could explore the island by bus and from there we also got the ferry to Gozo.
Lire la suite
Date du séjour : septembre 2019
Conseil sur la chambre :choose a back room away from the road
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Unclean, air con with exposed wiring with water dripping on to it, facilities not en suite as advertised. Smells disgusting. Found owner asleep in one of our beds. This is a terrible hotel and book at your peril. I cannot express how concerned we were at staying here. Had no choice due to late arrival and very early flight the next day. On the plus side, there’s a nice restaurant next door! The smell of the hotel is of cigarettes and the bathrooms are shared upstairs with no shower attachment that you can stand under without holding it up in the air. No running water in kitchen. I can’t say anything positive about this location and I raised this with booking.com who were uninterested. The air con leaking on to exposed wiring was resolved with it being turned off in 40 degree heat and towels mopping it up. Safety not exactly paramount!
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Date du séjour : août 2019Type de voyage : A voyagé en famille
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
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St George Central (Santa Venera, Malte) - tarifs 2025 mis à jour et avis B&B - Tripadvisor
Foire aux questions à propos de St George Central
Quelles attractions populaires sont à proximité de St George Central?
Parmi les attractions à proximité, on trouve notamment Escape Room 125 (0,4 kilomètres), Chamber Of Mysteries (0,9 kilomètres) et Romeo Romano Gardens (0,3 kilomètres).